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Bringing the Magic

I had a case in which I was retained, not for a collaborative matter, but for litigation. (Back then, I still had the reputation for being “an aggressive family law trial attorney.”)

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Growing Apart

Overheard among a group of middle school boys drinking mochas in a coffeehouse, as one tastes another’s coffee: “That is so ridiculously sweet! That’s like something a five-year-old would make!”

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Uncontested Matters

Uncontested Divorces in Tampa

An uncontested matter is one where the spouses can reach a decision as to the terms of their dispute without going to trial. Uncontested divorces move more quickly through the courts and are less expensive than contested divorces. An uncontested divorce typically reduces hostility, allowing both parties to resume their lives more quickly. If your divorce is uncontested, it is still wise to have legal representation. While you may believe that your divorce is uncontested, an attorney can confirm whether you have addressed all important issues. An attorney can draft your marital settlement agreement so that there are no contradictions. At the very least, you should have an attorney review an agreement drafted by yourself or someone else to make sure that it is complete and in your best interests.

Florida Uncontested Divorce Lawyers

Open Palm Law can draft and/or review your uncontested divorce agreement to ensure that you have addressed all issues adequately. No matter how simple your divorce, it is important to have an attorney guide you.

FAQs for Uncontested Matters

An uncontested divorce is one in which there is no opposition to what is requested in the petition, or in which both parties agree to the divorce and the terms of the settlement of all issues.

Yes. Even if you and your spouse are in agreement as to the terms of your divorce, it is important to have an attorney review or draft your agreement and paperwork to ensure that all issues have been addressed appropriately. You will save future time and headaches by ensuring that your documents are prepared correctly now.

Even if your divorce is uncontested, either you or your spouse will need to go to a final hearing during which the judge will enter your final judgment of divorce. It is just a brief hearing… you have already done the hard part of negotiating your agreement!