

Trainings and Toolkit for Collaborative Professionals to boost clarity, credibility, coherence, conspicuousness, and connectivity.



Become a Collaborative Champion

Learn the Five Fortes to Effectively Focus Your Collaborative Marketing Efforts. Apply your passion for the good that you do by focusing your marketing efforts on growing your collaborative practice:

  1. Collaborative Champions pitch compellingly and with clarity every time;
  2. Collaborative Champions publish provocative content regularly;
  3. Collaborative Champions present passionately at public events, and connect with crowds;
  4. Collaborative Champions’ brands are conspicuous, their ideas and their causes “above the noise”; and
  5. Collaborative Champions partner with every potential referral source.

The Open for Business Toolkit will hone your efforts to effectively market your collaborative practice.

Your Investment: $7,495.


The Toolkit includes guidelines, protocols, instructions, samples, and forms, all on thumb-drives and in a handbook. It also includes sample marketing products, free gifts, advertising materials, and books, all of which will whet your prospect’s appetite for the collaborative divorce alternative.


Do you clearly articulate the value of the services you provide? Do you have a compelling answer to the question “What do you do?” One that invites questions? Clarity is the ability to communicate your message in a way that convinces.

Pitch guidelines and instructions – covers how to develop your collaborative practice pitch, when to use it, and which pitch to use in what circumstances, not only for you but for your entire team. Includes sample forms, pitches, slogans, infomercials, case studies, and more.


Do you have authority in your profession? Are you perceived as the expert, as having the answers? Credibility enables you to write clear and compelling blogs, articles, tweets, and books that people will read, relate to, and share.

Publish guidelines and instructions – covers how to conceptualize ideas for publications, use and re-use themes, choose where to publish, decide when to publish, title your publications, self-publish, and obtain both book testimonials and forewords. Includes sample forms, books, articles, blogs, tweets, case studies, and more.


Are you invited to speak at trainings, at events, on podcasts, on radio shows, and on TV? Do people seek you out because of your ability to connect with a crowd? Coherence is your ability to communicate your vision persuasively, to “spread the word” to more than one person at a time.

Present guidelines and instructions – covers how to find venues, to be invited, and to decide what to present. Includes ready-to-use Power Points, whiteboard videos, and audio-videos for presenting, whether in a theatre, a classroom, a meeting hall, or your own conference room (along with scripts, so that you can recreate them with your own voice-overs, audio-videos, logo, and/or notes). It also includes posters and quizzes to explain CP to clients and to prospects easily and succinctly. Includes Speakers Bureau guidelines, protocols, forms, and instructions. Contains everything needed to present well on podcast, radio, TV, and in the press, the forms, sample transcripts, interview questions, and more.


Is your brand conspicuous, visible, and easily identified, both on-line and in traditional media? Have you positioned yourself as the “best solution?” Take your ideas, your vision, and your cause “above the noise.”

Profile guidelines and instructions – covers how to grow your profile and use it to market your CP practice. Includes debrief and interview outlines, case studies, sample testimonials, instructions for how to obtain the best written and video testimonials, and more.


Do people approach you to partner? Are others excited to connect with you and to help you market your collaborative practice?

Partnership guidelines and instructions – covers connecting with other collaborative professionals in your community, as well as first responders and other referral sources, in
order to increase your opportunities to staff a CP team. Includes case studies, forms, handouts, samples, etc., as well as your copy of A Free Divorce Handbook (contains guidelines, forms, and instructions for organizing a CP pro bono project), and more.