tampa lawyer

The Stepparent: What level of involvement in parenting is appropriate?

What role does a stepparent have in parenting?   Integrating a stepparent into an already established family structure can be a sensitive, and potentially stressful, situation. What do you do when a conflict arises between parent and stepparent, or between stepparent and child? I’m here to assure you that there is no one-answer-fits-all, only what …

The Stepparent: What level of involvement in parenting is appropriate? Read More »


A woman I met last year called me recently. Her voice was pitched higher than usual, and she was talking too fast, nearly babbling. I had to ask her to slow down so that I could understand what she was saying. She apologized but it was clear that she was in complete dismay. She wanted …

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What To Do If Your Client’s Spouse Is Not Yet Collaborative

If the client’s spouse is not represented by counsel, send a letter to him or her. In it, explain that the client has requested your help in obtaining a divorce and that your client is interested in proceeding by using the collaborative process, and provide the contact information of several collaboratively-trained attorneys. Provide him with …

What To Do If Your Client’s Spouse Is Not Yet Collaborative Read More »