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I had a case in which I was retained, not for a collaborative matter, but for litigation. (Back then, I still had the reputation for being “an aggressive family law trial attorney.”)

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Paternity in Tampa

Paternity is the legal relationship between a father and his biological or adopted child(ren). This area of law deals with a father’s and his child(ren)’s rights and obligations to each other as well as to others. A man who is legally established to be a child’s father is held accountable for his share of support and responsibility. If the father is unwilling to support the child voluntarily, he can be compelled to do so after a successful paternity suit. If the child was born out of wedlock and the mother wishes to give the child up for adoption, she will be unable to do so when the father asserts paternity and refuses his consent. A father claiming paternity also gains custody and visitation rights to the child.

Paternity Solutions

The attorneys of Open Palm Law have successfully represented both men and women in paternity actions. Whether it is helping a father acquire rights to his child, or assisting a mother in getting financial assistance from her child’s father, Open Palm Law is sympathetic to the sensitive issues involved in paternity disputes. Let them help you with your paternity dispute.

FAQs for Paternity

Only certain specified persons have legal standing to request a court-ordered paternity test. These include the mother of the child or expected child and a person alleging that he is the biological father of the child or expected child.

If you are married to your baby’s mother, you need not do anything to establish paternity. If you are not married, you and the mother can sign a legal document acknowledging that you are the father. If there is a dispute as to whether you are the father, you may need to get a court order legally establishing you as the father or ordering you to take a genetic paternity test. If you marry the mother, you will need to update the birth certificate to list you as the father.

If you are already listed on the birth certificate or are planning to stay married, you may find it hard to convince a judge to disestablish paternity. If you divorce, if you never acknowledged paternity and were never listed on the birth certificate, and if the mother agrees, then paternity may be disestablished.