The Collaborative Process
As soon as both clients have chosen their collaborative process attorneys, if you have not yet, reach out to your co-collaborative counsel (that would be “opposing counsel” in a litigated case) and introduce yourself.
As soon as both clients have chosen their collaborative process attorneys, if you have not yet, reach out to your co-collaborative counsel (that would be “opposing counsel” in a litigated case) and introduce yourself.
Some divorce lawyers encourage their clients to empty out the joint bank accounts, “before your spouse does it.” This is a declaration of war, equivalent to pushing the red button. In many jurisdictions, when one person petitions for divorce, the judge enters a standing temporary order, instructing the clients not to dissipate marital assets, not …
The 7 Biggest Divorce Mistakes: #2 Emptying The Joint Bank Accounts Read More »
Collaborative divorce professionals everywhere can probably agree that a healthy divorce process, one that , is not about “where you’ve been” but about “where you are headed.” Having said that, let’s also be honest; the big roadblock to completing a divorce is often one spouse’s fear, fear of exactly that, fear of where she’s headed. It’s …
In Get Educated, Part One, we discussed how to verify someone’s experience. We also explained that you should find out what your loan options are before your divorce is final, because the terms set out in your final judgment of divorce can either foster your goal, or prevent it. And your lawyer is unlikely to know …
Get Educated, Part II: Avoid Committing Federal Mortgage Fraud Read More »