Sending Signals

The wife getting ready to leave her husband, viagra sale just like the husband readying to leave his wife, sends signals, sometimes long before her husband or his wife knows that a divorce is in the offing.  What signals, you ask?  How do I know that one of them is preparing to ask for a divorce, when even their spouse does not yet know?

It is because I listen to the questions they ask their hairdresser, over a coffee with a friend, or the nail technician.  Sometimes, they will ask the salient question at the water cooler, while attending a conference, or before a seminar begins.  Listen for:

“Can you recommend a doctor for hair restoration?”

“I want to have my boobs done.”

“Can you refer me to a good cosmetic surgeon?”

“I’m thinking about getting braces.”

“Do you know a good weight loss program?”

“I need a good trainer; can you recommend someone?”

This is someone who probably is planning a big change in his or her life, someone who should be researching collaborative divorce.  Be a friend; send him or her to a collaborative divorce lawyer!

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